- Berkeley International Office
- Berkeley New Student Services
- Berkeley Student Learning Center
- Berkeley Study Abroad
- Cal Teach
- Cal Student Central
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Disabled Students Program
- Lead Center
- Transfer, Re-entry, and Student Parent Center
- University Health Services: Be Well to Do Well
- University Health Services: Tang Center
- Advisers & Mentors
- CoC Study Abroad
- Commencement Information
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Exam Credit Info
- Forms
- Important Dates: Fall
- Important Dates: Spring
- Lab Course Substitution Request
- Peer Advisers
- R&C Transfer Courses by Institution (non-CA CC)
- Research & Internships Outside CoC
- Student Activities
- Travel Grant Application
- Tutoring
- Twitter: College of Chemistry
- Twitter: CoC Ugrad Advising
- Undergraduate Publications
- Withdrawal, Cancellation, Readmission