Enrollment Guidelines & Waitlist Information for Chemical Engineering Majors

Enrollment Guidelines

Enrollment in several upper-division Chemical Engineering courses is managed by placing students directly on the course waitlist, in order to ensure that students have satisfied the prerequisites for the course. Please, read the following carefully as it will help you navigate the enrollment process for waitlisted Chemical Engineering courses. After reading this page if you still have questions, please send an email to: cbeenrollmentmanager@berkeley.edu

General Chemical Engineering Enrollment Policies

Time Conflicts

  • Will not be approved unless both Professors for the conflicting courses grant email approval.


  • You will be dropped from the waitlist if you do not meet course prerequisites.
  • The waitlist will begin to be processed until three weeks after Phase II.
  • All enrollment issues need to be resolved by the 3rd week of instruction.
  • By the 4th week of instruction all enrollment should be processed.

How Do Waitlists Work?

  • Waitlists are processed once a day.
  • The waitlist is processed until three weeks after phase II.
  • If you are still on the waitlist by that time please contact cbeenrollmentmanager@berkeley.edu

For all waitlisted courses you will need to submit a google form survey in order to be enrolled. Once you are on the waitlist the survey will be emailed to you.

Spring Waitlist Courses

  • CBE 154
  • CBE 160
  • CBE C 170L

Fall Waitlist Courses

  • CBE 154
  • CBE 160
  • CBE C170L

Enrollment in Graduate Courses

  • Please contact the instructor of the course for enrollment approval.
  • When contacting instructors please provide full name, background related to course, and unofficial transcripts.
  • Once approval is received forward the email to your academic adviser for enrollment.

Concurrent Enrollment and Exchange Students

Concurrent Enrollment

  • Concurrent enrollment students must submit a concurrent enrollment application and the instructor must approve the request for enrollment.
  • Once the instructor approves the request the College of Chemistry will approve the application.

Exchange Students

  • Exchange students will not be granted enrollment in CBE 154 or CBE C170L unless there is space in the course and all prerequisites are met.
  • Enrollment in any other CBE courses will require all prerequisites be met at the home institution before coming to UC Berkeley.
  • Priority enrollment for CBE 154, 160, 170A, 170L will be given to College of Chemistry students first.

Possible Reasons You Were Not Added To The Waitlist

  • Time Conflict: Need approval of both instructors.
  • Registration Holds: Any outstanding holds should be taken care of before Phase I appointment.
  • Maximum Unit Load: Unit load cap will restrict enrollment ( unit max = 19.5)
  • Lack of Space: If the course waitlist is at max capacity and you need to take the course please contact the Enrollment Manager at cbeenrollmentmanager@berkeley.edu

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After reading this page if you still have questions, please send an email to: cbeenrollmentmanager@berkeley.edu

Students on the UC Berkeley campus

Note from the Enrollment Manager

If the course waitlist is at max capacity and you need to take the course please contact the Enrollment Manager at: cbeenrollmentmanager@berkeley.edu