IT Support Overview
Desktop support, Campus accounts (bMail/bCal/Box, etc), Telecom and device support are available from Berkeley's Campus Shared Services (CSS). Software licenses are described below.
- 510-664-9000, option #1 (49000 from Campus phones)
- (click on Request service and IT)
CalNet ID Activations & Cards
If you need help with your Calnet ID or need to make guest accounts, see
If you need a Cal1Card, see
Visit the Berkeley IT website for information on WIFI options.
Molecular Graphics and Computation Facility
The College of Chemistry has a scientific computing facility called the Molecular Graphics and Computational Facility (
Many scientific software packages are available to MGCF users along with HPC servers, training and consulting. The MGCF also has a poster printing service.
Research Group Websites on the CCHEM Server
There is currently no support for this server. If you have a site on cchem and need emergency assistance, MGCF staff will try to help. No other support is given. Email MGCF at:
How to use the cchem staging server:
College CCHEM Staging Server Quick Guide:
If you have a cchem hosting account with the college, the following is a quick guide to get you started:
- Example stage server url: (use prefix http://) stage[dot]cchem[dot]Berkeley[dot]edu/~XXX (~, 'XXX' is your account name)
- Example production server url: (use prefix http://) cchem[dot]berkeley[dot]edu/XXX (no ~, 'XXX' is your account name)
- use SFTP to connect to the stage server (FTP will not work)
- web pages should be located in a subdirectory called public_html
- be sure to designate your home page as index.html within the public_html folder
- files on the stage server will be synchronized automatically to the College production web server (LIVE site) every half hour
Research Group Websites
hosting & Site building information for research groups
Each research group must design, develop, and maintain their own website. Anyone within the research group can take on the webmaster responsibilities, or the group can hire their own web developer.
For information on essential, cost-effective website solutions, visit Berkeley Web Platform Services
Open Berkeley
Open Berkeley is a Berkeley Branded, turnkey web platform solution for UC Berkeley campus websites. Campus employees with no prior web experience can use Open Berkeley's powerful toolset to easily build sophisticated websites, and customers can rely on Open Berkeley to provide critical solutions to ongoing Security, Accessibility, and Maintenance issues. This is a highly recommended platform if you intend on connecting a domain. For more information visit the Open Berkeley website.
Google Sites (bConnected)
Google Sites is available for free via Berkeley bConnected*. Google sites allows you to create a simple personal website, wiki, or project site without any prior programming or design skills. With an intuitive drag & drop interface, you can work alone or collaborate with others to build your site in a short amount of time.
Rates: Google sites are free via Berkeley bConnected.
*Google site domains are configured with the customname appended after the final /.
(Pointing a berkeley domain name to a Google Site is not currently supported.)
Pantheon Hosting with Berkekley (Wordpress & Drupal)
Pantheon Hosting: Drupal/Wordpress Pantheon provides powerful, easy-to-use tools for building and maintaining Drupal and Wordpress websites and applications. IST has partnered with San Francisco-based Pantheon to provide affordable hosting plans with 24/7 support. This is a recommended platform if you intend on connecting a domain. If you need help professional help with web design and development, see Pantheon's trusted network of agencies for highly skilled teams familiar with the Pantheon platform.
Other Hosting Options
If you choose a different hosting service other than those listed above, be sure to read the UC Berkeley Guidelines for websites and be aware that no-code websites are flagged by Berkeley as being non-compliant with privacy policies.
Drupal consultants in the Bay Area
How to get a Berkeley Domain Name (
Registration Service: Hostnames are assigned by IST-CNS only for "" domain locations. Hostnames are generally registered on a first-come, first-served, basis. Requests will be granted within two (2) business days. See the IST Domain Name System (DNS) Service Policy webpage for more details.
Request a Berkeley Domain: Offsite hostname registration is available through Berkeley's Information Security Office.
All UC Berkeley websites, those in the domain and any website affiliated with the University, must comply with both campus and UC-systemwide policies.
Adobe Creative Cloud Web Development Tools
Dreamweaver & Photoshop from Adobe Creative Cloud are two of many products that can help in web development. Adobe CC is available for UC Berkeley students, staff, and faculty for both personal and institutionally-owned computers. For more info on obtaining Adobe CC visit the UC Berkeley Software Central website. To learn how to produce websites with Adobe Dreamweaver visit the Dreamweaver CC tutorial page.
Website Accessibility Requirements & Training
Please review the Berkeley Digital Accessibility website or contact if you have any questions or would like to talk with a digital accessibility consultant.
Campus IT Security Policies
The Information Security Office (ISO) is responsible for the development and maintenance of campus IT Security Policies. We focus on the protection of information and information systems across the University.
Visit the Berkeley Information Security Office website to learn about significant campus IT policies and related standards, guidelines, and procedures.
Licensed Software
Software licenses for many programs are available. Many of these are paid for by UC Berkeley, or by the College of Chemistry or College of Engineering, and some are paid for by other consortia of researchers and departments. Depending on the funding structure, some of the programs listed below will require contributions from researchers.
This software is paid for by the College of Chemistry on behalf of campus users. It requires a yearly renewal, usually in May/June.
The College of Engineering has paid for a site license. However, they expect College of Chemistry users to contribute to that cost. If you download from this link, then your research group will be asked to contribute a cost share proportional to the number of downloads made by members of your group. Do not download unless your research group is willing to contribute to the cost share. This cost share is accounted annually. Currently, only the Leone and Yang groups are contributing to this cost share. Other research groups in the College of Chemistry have licenses for their individual groups but are encouraged to join the College of Engineering consortium when they are due for renewal since it is more cost effective for everyone.
How do I get Matlab? See
Do I have to pay for Matlab? Matlab licensing is paid for by a consortium of campus units. Undergraduates using Matlab for coursework are not required to pay for Matlab when used on their personally-owned computers. The College of Chemistry expects researchers to pay for their share of the cost of Matlab. These costs are prepaid by the College of Chemistry to the consortium. Campus will notify the College of Chemistry Recharge Team of any researchers downloading Matlab, and then the Recharge Team will contact the PI to recover that cost.