Welcome from the College Dean
Welcome to the University of California and to Berkeley's famous College of Chemistry! The Departments of Chemistry and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in the College of Chemistry rank among the most prominent in the nation, and both are renowned for their excellence in a diverse range of disciplines and applications. Chemistry, chemical biology, and chemical and biomolecular engineering provide fantastic opportunities for you to pursue a stimulating and gratifying career while making a positive impact on society.
Since chemistry is the gateway to all of the molecular sciences and much of engineering, our College facilitates many possible career paths. We live in a chemical world. Our lives, our environment, our energy, our food and medicine, and our products are all impacted and/or provided by the activities of chemists and chemical engineers. At the College of Chemistry, you will find a wide selection of instructional excellence in the chemical and biomolecular sciences and their applications, as well as many opportunities for undergraduate research.
With only two departments, the College of Chemistry provides a relatively small and collegial place in which to live and work, while being nestled in one of the most beautiful and vibrant cosmopolitan areas in the world. Your intellectual, scientific, and social experiences at Berkeley will shape your life and outlook for years to come. We enthusiastically encourage you to explore our College's offerings and opportunities.
Complete details about courses and requirements for the Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering majors can be found online.
My faculty colleagues and I look forward to having you join us here at Berkeley this fall.
Sincerely yours,
Dean Douglas S. Clark
College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
Important Links for Admitted & New Students
- Welcome from the College Dean
- Welcome from Undergraduate Dean Arnold (pre-SIR)
- Virtual Tour of CoC with Undergrad Dean John Arnold
- Choosing Your First Semester Courses
- Transfer Course & Exam Credit Review Info
Transfer Students
- Welcome from the College Dean
- Welcome Transfer Students from Undergraduate Dean Arnold (pre-SIR)
- Virtual Tour of CoC with Undergrad Dean John Arnold
- Transfer Course & Exam Credit Review Info
Education Abroad Reciprocity Students
- Instructions for College of Chemistry Undergraduates (Includes Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, and Chemical Biology Majors)
College Forms
- Important forms for Undergraduates in the College of Chemistry