Enrollment Advising

Enrollment Advising

Advising Period for Fall 2025 enrollment is March 31-April 11.

We strongly recommend that you set up an appointment with a faculty mentor during the Advising Period. Faculty mentors are there to guide and support your academic and professional development.

Your college adviser in 121 Gilman  is available to guide you in course selection, completion of degree requirements, and other academic decision-making. Use these links to College of Chemistry degree requirements to plan your Fall 2025 schedule:

Chemistry and Chemistry Transfer Program
Chemical Biology and Chemical Biology Transfer Program
Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering Transfer Program
Chemical Engineering Joint Majors

PLEASE NOTE: You will have an advising hold placed on your Fall 2025 enrollment if you fall into one of these categories:

  • Graduating in Fall 2025
  • Academic notice
  • Recently changed into CoC or were readmitted
  • You have not completed the R&C requirement by the deadline

TO RELEASE THE HOLD: You must complete the Fall 2025 Planned Class Schedule at least five working days before your Phase 1 appointment. Please fill out the form associated with your adviser:

Jahzeel, A-G

Mellia, I-Q

Shamaya (some R-X)

Maura (Y-Z)

If you don't fall into one of the categories above, you do not have an advising hold–please do NOT complete the Planned Class Schedule form. If you would like to discuss your Fall schedule and/or have questions about the enrollment process, please meet with a Peer Advisor. If you have further questions, you're welcome to contact your College Adviser, or use these YouCanBookMe links to make an appointment:

Jahzeel Flores Morales

Mellia Kanani

Shamaya Pellum

Maura Daly

Important Fall 2025 Enrollment Dates

  • March 23 — Enrollment appointments available in CalCentral
  • March 23 — Fall 2025 Schedule of Classes available
  • March 31-April 11 — CoC Advising Period
  • April 14 — Phase I begins (enroll in up to 13.5 units, including wait-listed units)
  • June 13 — Phase I ends
  • July 21 — Phase II begins (enroll in up to 17.5 units, including wait-listed units)
  • August 17 — Phase II ends
  • August 18 — Adjustment period begins (add additional units up to 20.5)

Fall 2025 Phase I Enrollment Appointment Schedule

Enrollment appointment dates are based on # of terms in attendance and status. Appointments begin during the specified period below, and continue until the end of Phase 1.

  • Special action: begins 4/14
  • Graduating seniors: begins 4/16 9am
  • 4th years: begins 4/16 12 noon
  • 3rd years: begins 4/18
  • 2nd years: begins 4/22
  • 1st years: begins 4/25

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Enrolling in Classes

The College of Chemistry unit minimum is 13; the maximum is 20.5. If you plan to enroll in fewer than 13 units, please complete the undergraduate student petition and turn it in to your staff adviser. You may request permission to enroll in more than 20.5 units during the second week of instruction; complete the undergraduate student petition and turn it in to your staff adviser.

Exception: If you plan to graduate at the end of the semester, you are not required to get approval to enroll in fewer than 13 units.

Low Grades: If you receive a grade of D+ or lower in a chemical engineering or chemistry course for which a grade of C- or higher is required, you must repeat the course at UC Berkeley.

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Class Schedule Change Deadlines

If you wish to make any changes to your Planned Class Schedule after it is approved, you are required to contact your staff adviser for approval of the changes. Failure to obtain staff adviser approval before you make changes can result in disciplinary action.

  • Through the middle of the fourth week of classes, changes that have been approved by your staff adviser can be processed using Cal Central.
  • After the middle of the fourth week of classes, you will not be permitted to add or drop a course unless you obtain the Undergraduate Dean's approval for an exception. 

Details on deadlines to add and drop courses and to change grading options are as follows:

  • End of the SECOND week of instruction
    • Deadline to drop Early Drop Deadline (EDD) courses
  • Middle of FOURTH week of instruction
    • Deadline to add courses
    • Deadline to drop non-EDD courses
  • End of the TENTH week of instruction
    • CoC deadline to change grading option for non-major electives
    • Subsequent changes require adviser's exception

Note: Check with the instructor before adding a class that you have not been attending to make sure that you can catch up with the class. The lectures and course work you have missed may diminish your chances of performing well in the course.

Charts of the deadline dates can be found at:

College policy requires students to finalize their class schedules by the established deadlines. If you need to add or drop a class, change a grading option,* or change the unit value in a variable course after the deadline, submit the One-Time Late Schedule Change Request.

*Students are restricted to one (1) late schedule change in Fall or Spring during their undergraduate career; Summer Session courses are exempt.

If you have any questions, please drop by the Undergraduate Advising Office in 121 Gilman Hall, or contact your college adviser

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Transfer & Exam Credit Info

New Students: All credit-bearing exams (e.g. AP, IB, GCE A-Level) and transfer course-work submitted by new freshmen and transfer students prior to their arrival at Berkeley are reviewed by Berkeley's Central Evaluation Unit as part of the initial transfer credit review process. This review process is generally completed by the end of December for students admitted to Berkeley in the fall semester.

After the initial transfer credit review is complete, please direct any questions or concerns about missing transfer work to the Central Evaluation Unit by opening a case with Cal Student Central.

Continuing students in the College of Chemistry who wish to satisfy requirements at another institution are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Prior to enrolling in a course at another institution which could satisfy a required chemical engineering, chemistry, English, math, or physics course, you must request approval from your staff adviser.
  • If you wish to enroll concurrently at UC Berkeley and another institution, you must request approval from the Undergraduate Dean prior to the beginning of the semester. Approval for concurrent enrollment is rarely granted.

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Advising Period

Advising Period for Fall 2025 enrollment is March 31-April 11.