Withdrawal, Cancellation, & Readmission

Below are the policies and procedures on withdrawal, cancellation and readmission to the College of Chemistry.


Withdrawing from school while the semester is in progress can help you manage extenuating circumstances or other challenges that may impact your academic success. If you need to withdraw from the semester, you should be aware of the following policies and procedures:

  • Before you withdraw, visit Cal Student Central to discuss:
    • how your last day of attendance may affect your financial aid
    • how your withdrawal date may affect registration fees
    • the readmission process
  • Submit a withdrawal request via your CalCentral Dashboard under Student Resources.
  • Meet with your CoC staff adviser in 121 Gilman. Your withdrawal request requires approval from Undergrad Student Services.
  • You may request a withdrawal at any time during the semester, up through the last day of instruction (i.e., last day of RRR week):
    • if you withdraw between the first day of classes and Friday of the eighth week of classes, you may be eligible for readmission the following term;
    • if you withdraw after the eighth week of classes, you will be subject to the “semester-out” rule, which means you are not eligible to enroll at UC Berkeley the following semester.

Fee refunds & financial aid

A prorated refund of registration fees will be processed according to the date you submitted your withdrawal request on CalCentral, not when you stop attending classes. Special rules regarding refunds apply to students on financial aid.

Withdrawing for medical reasons

If you wish to withdraw for medical reasons, you must consult with University Health Services/Tang Center to discuss the possibility of medical withdrawal.

Withdrawing while on academic notice

If you withdraw while you are on academic notice, it is important to consult with your CoC Staff Adviser to discuss conditions for readmission.

Other Services Impacted by Withdrawal (see list of resources & contact info below)

  • Housing (either on or off campus)
  • International student status
  • Veterans’ benefits
  • Readmission
  • CalNet ID

Withdrawal from Summer Session courses

Withdrawal petitions from Summer Session courses must be submitted before the class final exam. Requests must include a link to the course syllabus, with a clear indication of the final exam date.

Important Resources

Cal Student Central
120 Sproul Hall

Office of the Registrar
120 Sproul Hall

Housing Office
2610 Channing Way
Walk-in Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday

University Health Services (Tang Center)
2222 Bancroft Way

Berkeley International Office
2299 Piedmont Avenue
Hours: 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday

Veteran Services
Contact James Collins, Assistant Registrar
123 Sproul Hall
Email: veteranservices@berkeley.edu


If you are enrolled in classes and/or have paid fees and you do not plan on attending that term, you may cancel registration prior to the first day of instruction. To do so, drop all of your classes, included waitlisted ones. You should also inform your CoC Staff Adviser of your plan to cancel your registration.

There will be no notation of the cancellation on your transcript.

New undergraduates: If this is your first semester at UC Berkeley, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions about the possibility of deferring your admission before canceling your registration. If you cancel your registration, you will be required to submit a new admission application to attend a future semester.


If you are absent from the university for a semester or longer (whether voluntarily or not), you must apply for readmission in order to resume study in a future semester.


  • June 1 — Fall
  • November 1 — Spring

We recommend that you submit your application well ahead of those dates so that you can register for your next semester classes in a timely way.

Readmission is guaranteed for students in good academic standing. Students who were not in good standing when they left the university will be subject to review and should contact their CoC Staff Adviser to determine if supplemental materials are required. Students who were disqualified, who wish to be readmitted, should carefully review these guidelines.

If you were approved for a medical withdrawal, you must follow the readmission process as outlined by University Health Services.

While not enrolled at UC Berkeley, any course you take at another college must be approved by your CoC Staff Adviser.