Teacher-Scholars Program (COCTSP)

Teacher-Scholars group photo, 2015

Program Description

The Chemistry Undergraduate Teacher Scholar Program places undergraduate students as apprentice instructors in lower division laboratory and discussion sections. In a weekly meeting with instructors, participants learn about teaching, review chemistry knowledge, and are coached to mentor students.

Description of Typical Activities

In assigned lab/discussion section:

  • answering questions from students throughout the lab period.
  • facilitating group discussions
  • participating in and/or leading demonstrations

In weekly Teacher Scholar Class (Thursdays 11am-12:30pm):

  • meeting in small groups with other students who are teacher scholars in the same class as you to discuss the upcoming week's lab experiment or discussion topics
  • role-playing to practice teaching
  • working individually or in small groups to write worksheets or review session materials
  • large-group discussions based on assigned reading

Time Commitment

  • Attend assigned section each week (1 lab section or 3 discussion sections)
  • Attend weekly Teacher Scholar class (Thursdays 11:00am - 12:30 pm) (Time subject to change)
  • Attend weekly GSI meeting with the instructor of your assigned class
  • 30-45 min per week individual work outside of class (prelab preparation, postlab reflection, reading assignments, etc.
  • Full-day training/meetings a few days before the start of the semester.

Course Credit

Participants in this program earn two credits (P/NP) by enrolling in Chem 301C.


If you would like to be notified when the Fall 2025 application is made available, please fill out this form.

[content coordinated by Natalie Johnson]