Research & Internships Outside CoC

lab by Keegan Houser

Lab Research Outside CoC

If you intend to do research for credit in a laboratory outside of the College of Chemistry (e.g. non-CoC departments or units at Berkeley, UCSF, LBNL, or other institutions), please complete the following steps:

  1. In consultation with your PI, determine whether you should enroll in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering units. 
    • If you wish to enroll in Chem Eng units, select Chem Eng 196 or H194. Your faculty sponsor will automatically default to Prof. Roya Maboudian, CoC Undergraduate Dean.
    • If you wish to enroll in Chemistry units, select Chemistry 196 or H194. Your faculty sponsor will automatically default to Prof. Roya Maboudian, CoC Undergraduate Dean.
  2. Please let your  research supervisor know that you are doing research for academic credit, and enrolling in a course that will require them to report a letter grade for you at the end of the semester.
  3. Fill out the College of Chemistry Undergraduate Research Form; allow 3-5 business days for processing, after which enrollment information will be emailed to you.
  4. Enroll in the course through Cal Central by the Wednesday of the 4th week of classes.

Receiving a Grade

At the end of the semester, you must submit a short report summarizing your work and results. Your report must be signed by your research faculty/supervisor (NOT a postdoc or grad student) and emailed as a PDF to Shamaya Pellum:

At the same time, your research faculty/supervisor (not a postdoc or grad student) must email Undergraduate Dean Roya Maboudian ( and cc Shamaya Pellum ( with your final letter grade, reflecting your performance in research during the semester. The email must include their name and affiliation, your name and SID, and the course number (e.g Chem 196).


In some circumstances, students may wish or need to receive credit for an internship. To receive credit for your internship, bring the completed Undergraduate Field Study Form (which must include the signature of your internship supervisor) and your offer letter to your adviser for review and approval. Your adviser will issue a class number for enrollment in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering 197. A one-page summary of your internship experience, signed by your supervisor, will be due at the end of the term in which the internship is completed.

Please note the following:

  1. Chem and Chem Eng 197 units must be paid for
  2. Units are for P/NP only