Left: a liquid dodecane flat jet produced by a microfluidic chip nozzle. Right: an incident molecular beam (red line) striking the jet surface. Researchers can analyze the velocity and angular distributions of molecules in the scattered beam (blue line). Image courtesy...Read more about Novel method examines the gas-liquid interface in new detail
(image: Robert Harris in his office circa 1980s. Photo: Dennis Galloway)
Douglas Clark announced today that Robert (Bob) A. Harris, cherished colleague and professor emeritus of chemistry, passed away on Sunday, July 10, 2022 at the age of 85.
Scientists have found that cancers in the pancreas (left) readily metastasize because these tumors suppress levels of an enzyme, MSRA, that pulls oxygen atoms off amino acids called methionine. As MSRA levels decrease, methionines on proteins become more oxidized. This causes one...Read more about Scientists find trigger that sets off metastasis in pancreatic cancer