DEIB in the News

In a diverse global chemical society, we continuously reflect on the impact of infusing the components of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) for the College of Chemistry community. As a College we strive to promote transparency and ensure accountability for the entire College community. All members of the College community share in cultivating, sustaining, and continuously developing an environment in which equity is intentionally sought and inclusiveness is practiced. Listed below are news and/or programs related to DEIB at the college.

Arc Institute announces new cohort of Investigators to pursue curiosity-driven research

September 20, 2023
Professor Alanna Schepartz and colleagues named recipients of the first cohort of ARC Innovation Investigators. Arc Institute scientists receive no-strings-attached funding to tackle their most important ideas.

CBE student Luisa Dell among recipients of 'Future Leaders in Chemical Engineering' award

October 12, 2023
CBE undergraduate student Luisa Dell has been named a recipient of the highly selective national award symposium for undergraduate researchers.

We are all made of the same components

August 24, 2021

Liliana Rojas

Liliana Rojas is a first-year student majoring in chemical engineering at UC Berkeley. (Photo by Brittany Hosea-Small)

Liliana Rojas states, “In high school, I knew I wanted to study chemistry in college. Chemistry is all around us, literally everywhere. I will be walking down the street, and I’ll stop for a moment and think, ‘Oh, wait a minute, these huge obstacles...

Building a community of belonging

September 23, 2022

Article highlights the program that is being run to improve deveristy, equity, and inclusion in the College of ChemistryStudents attend the 150th anniversary party at the College of ChemistryStory written for the Spring/Summer 2022 Catalyst magazine about the graduate student diversity program at the College.

Summer intern Arjun Garapaty designs microfluidic device

September 9, 2022

Arjun Garapaty at MRI Global

Arjun Garapaty during his summer internship at MRIGlobal. Photo courtesy of MRIGlobal.

Arjun Garapaty thinks big. It wasn’t that long ago that he earned a perfect score on his ACT test… as a sophomore in high school. Now a sophomore at University of California,...

Q&A: Kay Xia: Inaugural College of Chemistry Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Scholar

June 19, 2023

Kay XiaFifth year graduate student Kay Xia (lab of Dean Toste) is the first recipient of the College of Chemistry Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Scholar Program. This scholarship covers a year of tuition and includes a stipend for a graduate student to work on a project that's related to DEI in the Department of Chemistry. We were delighted to...

Karthik Shekhar awarded 2023 teaching awards

June 1, 2023

Professor Karthik Shekar with student at graduation 2023

Prof. Karthik Shekhar with 2023 President of the ChemE Car Club Matthew Moy during the College's graduation ceremony in May 2023. Photo courtesy of Matthew Moy.

The College of Chemistry is delighted to annouce that...

German Society for Crystallography celebrates Lieselotte Templeton with inauguration of student prize

March 2, 2023

Crystallographer Liselotte Templeton in front of her hometown Breslau

Early photograph of Lieselotte Templeton in front of her hometown Breslau. Photo edited by Constantin Buyer.

The German Society for Crystallography (DGK) announced last year the...

ChemE alumnae honored by AIChE

October 12, 2020

The College of Chemistry is pleased to announce that Professor Karen Gleason (MIT) and Sarika Goel (Honeywell UOP) have been recently awarded honors from AIChE.

Karen Gleason (Ph.D. ’87, ChemE) invited as the 2019 John M. Prausnitz AIChE Institute Lecturer

Karen Gleason, MIT

Karen Gleason, the Alexander and I. Michael Kasser Professor of Chemical Engineering and Associated...

Stephanie Espy discusses importance of women in STEM during Berkeley Forum event

November 23, 2020

Girls at a STEM Gem club event

UC Berkeley alumna Stephanie Espy (M.S. '04, ChemE) started the STEM Gems Club, which has grown to about 80 clubs across the United States for girls in fifth grade and above to learn about different careers in STEM through the club curriculum. (Photo Jasmine Lee, The Daily Californian)

On Thursday, the Berkeley Forum hosted author...