Chemistry professor Heino Nitsche has won the Hevesy Medal, the premier international award of excellence honoring outstanding achievements in radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry.Read more about Nitsche wins Hevesy Medal
William Lee Jolly (1927-2014), emeritus professor of chemistry at UC Berkeley, (Ph.D. '52, Chem with Latimer) whose work helped facilitate the renaissance of inorganic chemistry in the United States during the middle of the 20th century, died of heart failure on January 10,...Read more about William L. Jolly
College of Chemistry editor Michael Barnes is now tweeting chemistry and other science news. Barnes gets several press releases and other news items via email every day, and he has been looking for a way to share them with alums who want to keep up the the latest science news.
Chemistry professor Michelle Chang has won the Buck-Whitney award of the Eastern New York section of the American Chemical Society. The award recognizes "excellent original contributions to pure and applied chemistry."Read more about Michelle Chang receives Buck-Whitney Award
Chemistry professor Chris Chang has won the 2013 Leo Hendrik Baekeland Award, established in 1944 by the North Jersey Section of the American Chemical Society.Read more about Chris Chang wins 2013 Baekeland Award
In early September, campus announced the launch of a new initiative called The Berkeley Catalysts Program. Several qualified staff members applied to represent the college as our Berkeley Catalyst, and I am delighted to let you know that college