A Message from Dean Douglas S. Clark
In early September, campus announced the launch of a new initiative called The Berkeley Catalysts Program. Several qualified staff members applied to represent the college as our Berkeley Catalyst, and I am delighted to let you know that college Finance Director, Annabelle de la Rosa, was chosen (from a group of very strong candidates) to lead our effort.
Annabelle's eagerness to learn, her ability to adapt to change, and her strong focus on sharing her skills and knowledge with those around her make her an excellent choice for this important role.
Through this program, Annabelle will learn valuable skills to benefit our college, and campus will learn ways to improve central administrative functions. Annabelle will be representing us throughout the project and will be looking for active participation from all of us in the college to help us meet our goals.
Please join me in congratulating Annabelle on this important appointment.
Berkeley Catalysts
This new one-year program offers a unique professional development opportunity for 50 promising campus staff from units across campus. Catalysts will attend nine learning labs aimed at honing their leadership and organizational improvement skills in service of excellence in administration and operations, followed by three months of coaching and implementation.
Taking the campus Operating Principles as a jumping-off point, all Berkeley Catalysts will focus on a strategic opportunity or challenge for their unit, learning about campus issues while helping to solve them.
What is the Berkeley Operating Principles project?
The Berkeley Operating Principles project is an Operational Excellence initiative that engaged the campus community to collaboratively develop a set of operating principles that are now being embedded into campus operations in both formal and informal ways. The Operating Principles describe a working environment that will help us meet campus goals and make UC Berkeley and the College of Chemistry a place where we can all do our best work. The project team is working closely with departments, schools and campus organizations to offer workshops, tools and resources that will help make the principles useful and inspiring to all of us.
Operating Principles
We include and excel, together
We imagine and innovate
We simplify
We are accountable to each other
We focus on service