Portrait of Andrew Streitwieser in his office, 1970s. (Photo Dennis Galloway)
We are sorry to share the sad news that Andy Streitwieser, beloved colleague and professor emeritus of chemistry, passed away on February 23, 2022 at the age of 94.
Artist rendering of a layered charge-density-wave material. Blue spheres represent lattice ions while sinusoidal curves represent waves of electron density. In this case, the charge density wave possesses long-range order both within a layer and between layers. (Illustration by...Read more about An electronic crystal turned flat
The UCLA Gang, Chicago, July 1944. Left to right: Leonard Katzin, Zene Jasaitis, Nathalie and Harlan Baumbach, Glenn Seaborg, Stanley Thompson, Leonard Dreher, Fred Albaugh
Using 3D STEM (scanning transmission electron microscope) tomography at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry, Ting Xu and her team mapped out the precise placement of nanoparticles in a self-assembling material. (Courtesy of ACS Nano)
The first Special Prize, dedicated to “Innovators with Outstanding Achievements in Emerging Fields”, is awarded to Professor Omar Yaghi (USA) for his work on discovering metal-organic frameworks. — Photo courtsey VinFuture Prize
Different layers of the cortex are visualized as depths in the ocean, with the sun playing the role of light/vision. (Illustration by Julia Kuhl.(link is external))
Finding Archaea: Archaeans inhabit some of the most extreme environments on Earth. Woese and Fox’s genetic analysis led them to redraw the Tree of Life, incorporating this third domain. (Photo: Morning Glory Pool, Yellowstone National Park; Jim Peaco; March 2015;...Read more about Rethinking the Tree of Life with new tools