Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Professor Nitash Balsara discusses ways to help the earth

January 18, 2019

Nitash Balsar wants to help the earthProfessor Balsara discusses ways to make better batteries through development, education and listening to students in this portrait for the Clean Energy Project produced by renowned photographer Rick Chapman whose work has been seen at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery.

Enrique Iglesia is the recipient of the 2019 Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis

January 15, 2019

Enrique IglesiaProfessor Enrique Iglesia of the University of California at Berkeley is the recipient of the 2019 Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis. The award is presented jointly by the North American Catalysis Society and the European Federation of Catalysis Societies.

CBE Professor Clayton Radke receives 2018 Faculty Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs award

October 22, 2018

Clayton Radke wins Faculty GSI Mentorship award

Each spring graduate students are invited to nominate faculty members for the Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs.) Typically each nomination is supported by several GSIs who have worked with the honoree. The award, sponsored by the Graduate Council’s Advisory Committee for GSI Affairs and the GSI Teaching & Resource Center, is presented as a surprise in the faculty member’s classroom, with the GSIs and other departmental faculty and staff present in the fall.

Rui Wang joins Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering faculty at UC Berkeley

October 30, 2018

Rui Wang

The College of Chemistry is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Rui Wang as assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) commencing January 2019. Dr. Wang’s lab will be housed in the Pitzer Center for Theoretical Chemistry. Martin Head-Gordon, Kenneth S. Pitzer Distinguished Professor of Chemistry commented, "As Director of the Pitzer Center, I am thrilled to see CBE further developing its research strengths in polymer and soft materials theory with the hiring of Rui Wang. All eight existing faculty members of the Center look forward to welcoming Rui to our community, and enjoying scientific interactions with him."

Potential new way to boost biofuels and bioproducts production

November 27, 2018

Itay Budin and Jay KeaslingJBEI researchers gain understanding of central metabolism of bacteria and yeast species commonly used in biotechnology.

Professor Alexis T. Bell is the recipient of the 2018 NACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Catalysis

December 7, 2018

Alexis T. Bell

Professor Alexis T. Bell is the recipient of the 2018 NACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Catalysis sponsored and administered by The North American Catalysis Society. It is awarded biennially in even-numbered years. Bell will be honored at the closing banquet ceremonies at the 2019 North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society.

Chemistry Nobel goes to UC Berkeley Ph.D. Frances Arnold

October 3, 2018

Frances Arnold wins Nobel PrizeFrances H. Arnold, the Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry at Caltech, is one of three winners of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

David Schaffer receives Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Intercampus Research Award

October 31, 2018

David Schaffer

According to Berkeley Neuroscience News, the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute (HWNI) has announced that the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub has awarded HWNI member, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Professor, David Schaffer with an intercampus research award to collaborate with researchers from UCSF and Stanford.

Long-sought carbon structure joins graphene, fullerene family

August 13, 2018

three-dimensional cage structure of a schwarziteThe discovery of buckyballs surprised and delighted chemists in the 1980s, nanotubes jazzed physicists in the 1990s, and graphene charged up materials scientists in the 2000s, but one nanoscale carbon structure – a negatively curved surface called a schwarzite – has eluded everyone. Until now....