The College of Chemistry is delighted to announce that Professor of Chemistry and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Michelle Chang has been chosen as the 2023 recipient of the Dr. Margaret Faul Award for Women in Chemistry.
Scientists turned to an oddball bacterial molecule that looks like a jaw full of sharp teeth to create a new type of fuel that could be used for all types of vehicles, including rockets. (Credit: Jenny Nuss/Berkeley Lab)
Converting petroleum into fuels involves crude chemistry first invented by humans in the 1800s. Meanwhile, bacteria have been...
Rebecca Pinals mixes SWNTs with fluorophore-labeled DNA to create a nanosensor, then measures their optical response as they interact with biomolecules. (Photo credit: Rebecca Pinals).
In spite of the tremendous advances in modern medicine, there are still mysteries about routine processes in the human body that continue to elude scientists. For example, researchers have...
Artist’s rendering of a copper nanoparticle as it evolves during CO2 electrolysis: Copper nanoparticles (left) combine into larger metallic copper “nanograins” (right) within seconds of the electrochemical reaction, reducing CO2 into new multicarbon products.(Credit: Yao Yang/Berkeley Lab)...
Blast disease destroys between 10% and 35% of the world’s rice harvest each year. A new discovery could lead to fungicides that block the pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae, from entering the leaves. This photo of a healthy rice field was taken in Chengdu, China, in 2019. (Photo credit: Nicholas Talbot)
A fungus that plagues rice crops worldwide gains entry to plant cells in a way that leaves...
Researchers from UC Berkeley and the NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers have developed a chemical technology that combines fermentation and chemical refining (center panels) to produce petroleum-like liquids (right) from renewable plants (left). (Image by John Beumer, courtesy of NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers)
A team of scientists from the College of Chemistry and Berkeley Lab find a new route in bacteria to decarbonize industry. The discovery could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing of fuels, drugs, and chemicals. Specifically, the team is looking at a metabolic process in bacteria that could be a sustainable source of carbon-based...