Awards and Honors

College of Chemistry awards and honors featured in the news.

Fleming honored by Japanese chemical society

August 15, 2016

Graham Fleming. Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab.Chemistry professor Graham Fleming has been named an Honorable Foreign Member of the Chemical Society of Japan.

Taiwan’s Tang Prizes awarded to Doudna, Rosenfeld

June 20, 2016

Jennifer DoudnaTaiwan's top science award, the Tang Prize, has gone to two UC Berkeley scientists well-known in the fields of biochemistry and physics: Jennifer Doudna, for her invention of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, and Arthur Rosenfeld, often called the "godfather of energy efficiency."


BEAM wins Zipcar award

June 16, 2016
BEAM magnetic speaker project Bernardo Gouveia of Berkeley Engineers and Mentors (BEAM) discusses BEAM's recent Zipcar 2016 “Students with Drive” award.

Landry and Xu earn Beckman Young Investigator Awards

July 22, 2016

Landry, Xu

Markita Landry and Ke Xu, two College of Chemistry assistant professors, have won prestigious awards from the Young Investigator Program of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation.

Maimone wins Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb awards

November 21, 2016

Thomas Maimone Chemistry professor Tom Maimone has been selected as one of two recipients of the prestigious 2016 Novartis Early Career Award in Organic Chemistry.

Alison Narayan, Sarpong group alumna, named one of C&EN Talented 12

August 22, 2016

Alison NarayanUC Berkeley alumna Alison Narayan wants to turn the enzymes used by cyanobacteria to produce a life-threatening paralysis poison—saxitoxin—into machines that build lifesaving drugs.

Somorjai wins 2016 Richards Medal

November 22, 2016

Gabor SomorjaiThe New England Section of the American Chemical Society (NESACS) has awarded Berkeley chemistry professor Gabor Somorjai its prestigious 2016 Richards Medal.