The College of Chemistry is a large research, teaching, and public service institution comprised of a culturally rich and diverse staff. Because research interests in the organic, physical, and biomolecular disciplines collide, the College of Chemistry needs a detailed Health and Safety Plan. It is the mission of the College's EHS&S Program to provide guidance and detail through the implementation of its Injury Illness Prevention Program. The College of Chemistry Health and Safety Manual acts as the core document, organizing EHS&S Information applicable to every member in the College. Therefore, depending on the type of work one performs (i.e. teaching, lab research, clerical, technical, or shop support) different sections and information will be based on one's job assignment.
The tables below are meant to guide you to those sections of the manual which are most relevant to your work. Descriptions of the major sections of the manual can be found in the manual's introduction — Section 1.
1. Safety Information that applies to EVERYONE (faculty, staff, students)
- Section 2: Responsibilities and Policies
- Section 3: Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
- Section 10: Emergency Response Plan (Who Does It! Where to Find It! How to do It Safely!)
2. Safety Information that applies to MOST PEOPLE
- If you generate hazardous chemicals or debris that you need to dispose...
Section 6: Hazardous Materials Disposal and Recycling Guidelines - If you need safety guidelines for specific hazards in your workplace...
Section 7: Campus/College Safety Guidelines and Safe Operating Procedures - If you need technical safety information--i.e. interpreting an MSDS or choosing the right glove for the job...
Section 8: Technical Safety Information - If you need a form to document safety training or to conduct a lab, shop or office safety inspection...
Section 9: Forms and Checklists
3. Safety Information concerning work in LABS OR WITH HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS or MATERIALS
- If you are a PI, Graduate Student, or Post Doctoral Associate working in a laboratory...
Section 5: The Chemical Hygiene Plan - If you are an Administrative, Shop or Technical Employee.....
Section 4: The Hazard Communication Program