"It feels a bit like a 'one small step for (hu)mans, one giant leap for (hu)mankind' moment," Jennifer Doudna, a biochemist who helped discover the gene-editing method used, called CRISPR-Cas9, said in an email.
Chemistry professor Evan Williams and his co-investigators are the recipients of the NeuroNex Innovation Award for research on Chemical and Genetic Methods to Measure and Manipulate Neurons with Light.Read more about Evan Miller receives NeuroNex Innovation Award
The paper, which will be published online July 20 in Science by Jennifer Doudna and her research group, used electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, performed at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, and the HHMI...Read more about Researchers discover how CRISPR proteins find their target
John Hartwig, and post-doc Konstantin Troshin came up with a quick and easy way to trial and analyze those interactions using an Excel spreadsheet and equipment most chemists already have in their labs. He calls it...Read more about Here's A New Way To Discover Chemical Reactions