The central mission of the College of Chemistry is to advance society through education and research, and we have made it our responsibility to fulfill this mission, year in and year out, for more than 140 years.
Our two departments provide fundamental and applied studies of an outstanding caliber. The remarkable breadth and depth of resources available to our students readies them as chemists and chemical engineers to address society’s most urgent 21st-century issues.
College faculty have been leaders at the frontiers of knowledge since 1872. Current pioneering research includes premier programs in catalysis, thermodynamics, chemical biology, atmospheric chemistry, the development of polymer, optical and semiconductor materials, and nanoscience, among others.
Check out College of Chemistry news articles and featured videos, as well as our biannual college magazine, Catalyst.
The College of Chemistry is consistently ranked as one of the best places on earth to learn, teach, and create new tools in the chemical sciences. This is no accident. It’s the direct result of exceptional scholarship as well as thousands and thousands of donations from our loyal alumni and friends.
Celebrate earth week by getting involved. Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC) and Environmental & Sustainability Student Organizations have developed lots of ways to get involved. View the schedule here(link is external).Read more about UC Berkeley celebrates earth week
The collaborators hope new advances in chemical biology(link is external) could open up the human proteome.Read more about Novartis and Berkeley researchers team up to tackle the industry’s toughest drug targets
Dean Douglas Clark recently announced changes in the College of Chemistry leadership.Read more about Changes in College leadership announced
The 2018 awardee of the Dalton Transactions University of California, Berkeley Lectureship(link is external) is Professor Jillian L Dempsey, at The...Read more about Jillian L Dempsey awarded 2018 Dalton Transactions UC Berkeley Lectureship
Chat and Ellen Chatterjee donate nearly 600k to the department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.Read more about Chat and Ellen Chatterjee give back to the College
An international group of scientists that includes the Aldo De Benedictis Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Phillip Geissler have developed a way to print 3D constructs using water and oil. Their...Read more about Scientists Print All-Liquid 3-D Structures
JBEI enzyme discovery (link is external)enables first-time microbial production of an aromatic biofuel.
The study was led by Harry Beller, Berkeley Lab senior scientist and scientific lead at...Read more about Sewage sludge leads to biofuels breakthrough
Berkeley researchers Charles Denby and Rachel Li, have created strains of yeast that produce a hoppy flavor in beer without the use of hops.(link is external)Read more about Brewing hoppy beer without the hops
Susan Marqusee, Director of QB3, Eveland Warren Endowed Chair Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology and Professor of Chemistry, is the recipient of the 2018 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Award.Read more about Susan Marqusee receives 2018 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin award
Nominations are now open for the 2019 inaugural Ignacio "Nacho" Tinoco Award of the Biophysical Society.Read more about Ignacio Tinoco Award of the Biophysical Society