Materials Chemistry

Scientists advance affordable, sustainable solution for flat-panel displays and wearable tech

January 22, 2024
Peidong Yang and colleagues develop new 3D-printable materials that could enable a cheaper manufacturing processes for next-gen OLED televisions, smartphones, and other devices.

Birth of topological defects in a charge density wave

January 12, 2024
Published in Nature Physics, a collaboration between the Zuerch Research Group and international colleagues studied the birth of topological defects in a charge density wave.

Scaling Up Nano for Sustainable Manufacturing

November 8, 2023
Ting Xu and Emma Vargo have developed multipurpose, recyclable nanosheets for electronics, energy storage, and health & safety applications.

Accelerating sustainable semiconductors with ‘multielement ink’

September 28, 2023
Peidong Yang and fellow Berkeley Lab scientists have developed “multielement ink” – a new semiconducting material that could enable a more sustainable approach to microelectronics manufacturing.

Scientists theorize a hidden phase transition between liquid and a solid

August 15, 2023
Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have discovered molecular behavior in supercooled liquids that represents a hidden phase transition between a liquid and a solid.

Can synthetic polymers replace the body’s natural proteins?

March 20, 2023

Illustration of biological fluids are made up of hundreds or thousands of different proteins

Biological fluids are made up of hundreds or thousands of different proteins (represented by space filling models above) that evolved to work together efficiently but flexibly. UC Berkeley polymer scientists are trying to...

Professor Ting Xu honored at Falling Walls Science Summit

November 14, 2022

Ting Xu lectures at 2022 Falling Walls event in Berlin, Germany

Professor Ting Xu was honored at the Falling Walls Science Summit on November 9th. Prof. Xu discussed her reearch in a talk entitled: 'Breaking the Wall to Programmable Plastic Degradation through Enzymes'. She outlined the crisis of plastic pollution and what she and her research...

Using magical electrons for electrochemistry

March 15, 2022

Cover Nature ChemistryThe cover of 'Nature Chemistry' depicts an artistic representation of electron transfer from twisted bilayer graphene to Ru(NH3)6 3+ — the redox-active molecule used in these studies. Image credit: Ella Marushenko and Kate Zvorykina (Ella Maru Studio) Cover design: Tulsi Voralia

The transformation of energy from one...

Tiny liquid robots never run out of energy as long as they have food

January 3, 2022

Liquid robots

Artist’s rendering of autonomous, continuous “liquid robots” in an animated GIF. (Credit: Jenny Nuss/Berkeley Lab)

When you think of a robot, images of R2-D2 or C-3PO might come to mind. But robots can serve up more than just entertainment on the big screen. In a lab, for example, robotic systems can improve safety and efficiency by performing repetitive tasks...

PMP 先鋒材料科技集團與柏克萊加州大學化學院建立合作關系

April 5, 2021

Heathcock Hall front entrance illustration

Conceptual rendering of the ground floor entrance of Heathcock Hall looking East. (Courtesy HOK Architects)

PMP 先鋒材料科技集團(PMP Tech)承諾的1000萬美元,不僅可以為未來柏克萊加州大學化學、化學工程及化學生物學專業學生提供更多的學習機會,還將用於建造一幢具備開創性的教學樓,為化學科學家和工程師們提供一流的科研工作環境。

PMP Tech以制造用於消費電子產品的創新高科技彈性體和其它環保橡膠產品享譽全球。2020年,...