Awards and Honors

College of Chemistry awards and honors featured in the news.

Klinman wins Gibbs Medal

April 11, 2017

Judith Klinman

Chemistry professor emerita Judith Klinman has received the 2017 Willard Gibbs Medal Award of the Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society.

Yaghi wins Mustafa Scientific Prize

January 5, 2016

Omar Yahgi. Photo by Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab - Roy Kaltschmidt, photographerChemistry professor Omar Yaghi has won an inaugural Mustafa Scientific Prize, awarded by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states. The award ceremony was held in Tehran, Iran, in December.

Michael Marletta elected to American Philosophical Society

May 23, 2016

Michael MarlettaThe American Philosophical Society, the oldest learned society in the United States, has elected UC Berkeley chemist Michael Marletta as one of 28 new members.

Read the article.

CoC postdocs win IUPAC awards

June 17, 2013
Hailiang Wang, Gabor Somorjai and Qiao "Joe" Zhang.Hailiang Wang and Qiao “Joe” Zhang, both postdocs in the research group of chemistry professor Gabor Somorjai, are among the five winners of the 2013 IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists.

Fleming honored by Japanese chemical society

August 15, 2016

Graham Fleming. Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab.Chemistry professor Graham Fleming has been named an Honorable Foreign Member of the Chemical Society of Japan.

BEAM wins Zipcar award

June 16, 2016
BEAM magnetic speaker project Bernardo Gouveia of Berkeley Engineers and Mentors (BEAM) discusses BEAM's recent Zipcar 2016 “Students with Drive” award.