Awards and Honors

College of Chemistry awards and honors featured in the news.

Watch Jennifer Doudna's Nobel Prize award ceremony

December 4, 2020

For Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna, the highlight of this most extraordinary Nobel Prize Week was a socially distanced award ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 8, on her patio in Berkeley with 11 people in attendance, followed by takeout. But if the glow surronding her was any indication, she could have been receiving the medal and citation from the King of Sweden on the stage at Stockholm Concert Hall. The traditional celebration has been rescheduled for next year.

A videographer and photographer captured the intimate gathering with the highlight being the presentation of the Nobel gold...

Jennifer Doudna awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry

October 7, 2020

Portrait of Jennifer Doudna

Jennifer Doudna, 2020 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. photo: Keegan Houser

For immediate release

The College of Chemistry is delighted to announce that biochemist Jennifer Doudna was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry today, sharing it with colleague Emmanuelle Charpentier...

Alumna Danna Freedman awarded MacArthur Fellowship

November 7, 2022

Danna Freedman

Alumna Danna Freedman, Professor MIT (Ph.D. '09, Chem with Professor Jeffrey Long). Photo courtesy of the MacArthur Foundation.

Danna Freedman, the F.G. Keyes Professor of Chemistry at MIT, has been named a 2022 MacArthur Fellowship recipient by the...

Graduate Student Instructor Awards announced

April 28, 2020
The College of Chemistry is proud to announce the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) awardees for 2019-2020.

Undergraduate students compete in national L'Oréal Brandstorm competition

May 24, 2019

Two talented undergraduate teams, with members from the College of Chemistry and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR), competed in this year's USA national L'Oréal Brandstorm competition in New York City in April. Both teams made it to the final round, with a third place tie out of approximately 150 teams nationwide. The first and second place winners will go onto France to compete in the finals later this year.

Jeffrey Reimer, Professor and Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) commented, “I am not surprised to see our students do so...

Doudna receives National Medal of Technology and Innovation

January 7, 2025
President Biden awarded Jennifer Doudna the National Medal of Technology and Innovation as a pioneer of CRISPR gene editing.

Christiane Stachl wins Outstanding Student Leadership Award

April 22, 2019
College of Chemistry graduate student Christiane (Chrissy) Stachl who received the Deans Outstanding Student award for demonstrating remarkable vision, commitment, and success as the President of the Chemistry Graduate Life Committee, and for her contributions to creating opportunities to promote equity and inclusion within the Chemistry Department.

David Schaffer named to NAE

February 12, 2025
David Schaffer inducted by prestigious organization for world-changing research.

Kwabena Bediako honored at third annual Philomathia Day

February 11, 2025
The third annual Philomathia Day took place on Jan. 31, and honored 2024 Philomathia Prize recipient Professor Kwabena Bediako.

The College of Chemistry is ranked No.1 globally in 2019 by U.S. News

November 5, 2018
UC Berkeley's College of Chemistry has been listed as the best global university for chemistry in the 2019 U.S. News and World Report Education rankings.