Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Programs

About the Programs

The College of Chemistry Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Programs provides support for graduate students to contribute to DEI activities, build expertise in the published literature of effective methodology in this area, and create a supportive community of scholars for ongoing discussions and engagement. Through involvement in the programs, students are able to support diversity in three areas:

  1. Improving the pipeline into graduate school
  2. Recruiting and supporting diversity in the CoC graduate population
  3. Working with College leadership to improve the climate within the CoC

Graduate Diversity Program
Info coming soon.

DEIB Scholar Program
The CoC DE&I Scholar Program supports a graduate student to engage in depth in diversity scholarship over a year time period. The DE&I scholar proposes and carries out a project to positively impact the climate within the CoC, improve recruitment efforts into the CoC, or outreach activities to the community. One goal of this fellowship is to better equip students with the knowledge of assessment methodologies that they can carry forward with them to activities in their future. The Scholar works closely with the Associate Dean of DE&I and the Chief DE&I Officer during this fellowship and other appropriate CoC leadership to build and carry out a successful, impactful project.

Opportunities to Get Involved

Graduate Student Led Activities

Normalization of Diversity and Equity (NODE)

Program aims to: (1) increase accessibility for applicants of diverse backgrounds, (2) support underrepresented first-year graduate students, and (3) highlight DEI efforts that will improve our climate in the department.

Chemistry Graduate Life Committee (CGLC)

CGLC logo

The Chemistry Graduate Life Committee (CGLC) is a student organization that supports graduate students in the Chemistry Department at UC Berkeley.

Climate Survey and cDIBS

Annual Department of Chemistry Climate Survey and the Chemistry Departmental Information and Brainstorming Session (cDIBS)

Transfer Student Mentorship Program (TSMP)

TSMP logo

The Transfer Student Mentorship Program (TSMP) uses a three-pronged method: (1) increase transfer student research participation, (2) improve sense of inclusion in the department for transfer students, and (3) ultimately improve the pipeline of underrepresented STEM undergraduate students to graduate school.

Other Activities

Bay Area Scientists Inspiring Students (BASIS)

Bay Area Scientists Inspiring Students (BASIS) volunteers develop and carry out hands-on classroom experiences in K-6 classrooms in local public schools. Volunteers foster scientific curiosity by designing exciting lessons in collaboration with knowledgeable staff. This program impacts thousands of children and their teachers in public schools.

DEIB Research Group Representatives

DEIB Research Group Representatives meet approximately every other month with the Chair of Chemistry and the Associate Dean of DEI in the College of Chemistry. In this role, they bring issues and ideas to the attention of CoC leadership and bring information about College activities and plans back to their research groups.

Monthly Membership Meeting for Faculty

Faculty members will be asked to engage with material pertaining to different mentorship styles and techniques.

Transformative Pedagogy

Project aims to develop a transformative pedagogy curriculum that would be implemented in a pilot course for the Fall 2021 semester, open to faculty, postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students in the College of Chemistry

Women in Chemistry Initiative (WICI)

Exploring opportunities for expanding the impact of WICI, increasing visibility, and further serving the College of Chemistry

Math Bootcamp

Week long mathematics bootcamp aimed at improving students' skills and confidence in solving undergraduate level mathematics problems.