Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacteria with a cell wall thick enough to block out most drugs. Mireille Kamariza designed a molecule that embeds into that wall and lights up — researchers only need a microscope and a reagent to see it. Photo by Fred Tomlin...Read more about Alumna tackles tuberculosis with new portable diagnostic tool
Michael Zuerch, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, will helm a new interdisciplinary science initiative as part of the University of California's (UC) $19M grant program in support of research focused on improving the lives of Californians. Zuerch’s interdisiplinary team has...Read more about UC awards funding for interfacial science initiative
From left: Experimental images of thulium-doped avalanching nanoparticles separated by 300 nanometers; at right, simulations of the same material. (Credit: Berkeley Lab and Columbia University)
Christopher J. Chang, Class of 1942 Chair Professor of Chemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Berkeley, has been awarded the Humboldt Research Award. The award, honoring internationally recognized researchers, includes a stay at the Max Planck...Read more about Professor Christopher J. Chang awarded the Humboldt Research Award