A Note from the Chair
These are exciting times in chemical and biomolecular engineering at Cal! We are engaged in bold new initiatives in virtually every subdiscipline of chemical engineering, from energy biosciences to artificial intelligence and machine learning, from electrochemical systems to synthetic biology. Our faculty also enjoy exceptional research opportunities as a consequence of our strong relationship with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which affords access to resources such as the Molecular Foundry, the Advanced Light Source, the National Center for Electron Microscopy, the Joint Bioenergy Institute, and the Liquid Solar Alliance. Students and faculty alike enjoy the exceptional richness of the world's premier public university.
I hope you apply to our graduate program and join the team of scholars who are consistently ranked among the most influential in the world, and engage a campus that embraces excellence in every academic endeavor. Fiat lux and Go Bears!
Bryan D. McCloskey, Ph.D., Department Chair