150th Celebration

Join us as we celebrate our 150th anniversary in 2022 with a series of events and videos that help tell our story. Throughout the year we will be looking back at some of the College's momentous accomplishments and looking ahead to our bright future.

Watch past events

Climate Sustainability

Climate Sustainability

Did you miss this event? You can watch a recording of it here.

Join us on March 16th as College of Chemistry Professor and Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Jeff Reimer facilitates our first virtual faculty panel discussion with fellow College of Chemistry professors. Don't miss the chance to ask your burning questions in this live discussion and Q&A with our world-renowned scientists as they discuss their latest research and thoughts on the future of climate sustainability. Topics include renewable energy, plastics, biofuels and artificial photosynthesis.

College of Chemistry Celebrates 2020 and 2021 Nobel Laureates Jennifer Doudna and David MacMillan

Light the Way for the Next 150

As we celebrate our history, we remain focused on the future. The sesquicentennial celebration coincides with exciting projects that will guide the College through the years ahead. Join us below.