Climate Change

Professors Omar Yaghi and Evelyn Wang awarded international water prize

June 21, 2018

Yaghi and Wang awarded international water prizeThe team of Professors Omar Yaghi (UC Berkeley) and Evelyn Wang (MIT) have won the Alternative Water Resources prize, which will be awarded at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.

Atmospheric harvesters will enable arid nations to drink from thin air

May 3, 2018

Omar YaghiA newly developed sorbent-based alternative has recently shown that it can harvest atmospheric moisture even when the relative humidity drops to around 10 percent. Under those conditions, that works out to around three liters of water for every million...

UC Berkeley celebrates earth week

April 21, 2018

Night shot of the earthCelebrate earth week by getting involved. Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC) and Environmental & Sustainability Student Organizations have developed lots of ways to get involved. View the schedule here.

Sewage sludge leads to biofuels breakthrough

March 26, 2018

Jewel Lake, Tilden Park Berkeley. Photo ChickMarkley.JBEI enzyme discovery enables first-time microbial production of an aromatic biofuel.

The study was led by Harry Beller, Berkeley Lab senior scientist and scientific...

Artificial leaves to produce fuel on Earth and, one day, Mars

January 24, 2018

Matt Damon, Mars movieWith the right technology, the gas station of the future will make its own fuel directly from sunlight, in the process sucking up carbon and producing oxygen. Decades into the future, the same technology could provide fuel and oxygen for the first Martians, and could even be tweaked to produce fertilizer....

A race to develop pollution sensing tech plays out in Oakland

June 5, 2017

Cohen group researcherBEACO2N (BErkeley Atmospheric CO2 Observation Network), developed by Ron Cohen, measure whether California's strict regulations around emissions—meant to help combat climate change—were paying off. But it soon morphed into a public health endeavor, too.

Water Out of Thin Air? Scientists Says It Can Be Done

April 13, 2017

Omar YaghiScientists have developed a box that can convert low-humidity air into water, producing several litres every 12 hours. Omar Yaghi, a chemistry professor at University of California, Berkeley, envisions a future where the water is produced off-grid for individual homes and...