Andrew Streitwieser (1927-2022)

Professor Emeritus
  • Born 1927
  • Columbia College (A.B. 1949)
  • Columbia University (M.A. 1950, Ph.D. 1952)
  • A.E.C. Postdoctoral Fellow, M.I.T., 1951-1952
  • Professor Emeritus 1993-
  • Professor of the Graduate School, 1995-1999
  • California Section Award of the American Chemical Society, 1964
  • American Chemical Society Award in Petroleum Chemistry, 1967
  • Guggenheim Fellowship, 1969
  • Humboldt Senior Scientist Award at the Technische Universität, München, 1976
  • ACS James Flack Norris Award in Physical Organic Chemistry, 1982
  • Cope Scholar Award, 1989
  • Roger Adams Award, 2009
  • American Chemical Society Fellow, 2009
  • Elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1969
  • Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1958-1962
  • NSF Science Faculty Fellow, 1959-1960
  • Election to American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1977
  • Fellow, Amer Assocn Advancement of Science, 1978
  • Alexander von Humboldt Medal, 1979
  • Miller Institute Research Professor, UCB, 1964-1965, 1979-1980
  • Elected Corresponding Member, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1993
  • Berkeley Citation, University of California, 1993
  • ACS Roger Adams Award, 2009