Progress Reports
To broaden the contact between graduate students and faculty, the Department of Chemistry encourages each graduate student to identify an “Associate Advisor”. In addition to the Academic Advisor and the Research Advisor, each graduate student will have a departmental Associate Advisor. The Associate Advisor will be the faculty member who served as the Chair of the student's qualifying exam or a faculty member of the student's choosing. Those students who have passed their qualifying exam in the Fall should plan on meeting with their Associate Advisor by the end of the Spring semester. Those students who have passed their qualifying exam during the Spring semester should plan on meeting with their Associate Advisor in the Fall of their third year. Each student is encouraged to meet with their Associate Advisor at least once a year to discuss their progress in the program and any other issues. Prior to this meeting, the student should prepare a summary of the research progress. The Associate Advisor will discuss the research summary provided by the student. Each student may prepare overheads, handouts or use any media they would prefer during this annual meeting. These meetings may occur once a year until the student files their dissertation. At the end of the Ph.D. training, it is hoped that the Associate Advisor will offer advice regarding future training/employment, as well as providing a letter of reference.
Individual Development Plans
The following documents are IDP worksheets that are recommended to be completed and discussed with your Research Advisor. This information will help your advisor help you succeed in and beyond graduate school and is designed to open up lines of communication between you and your advisor. Please select the worksheet that you believe would be the most helpful for you. Additional IDP resources may be found at the QB3 website here.
- IDP for graduate students who have not yet taken the qualifying exam: Pre-Qual IDP
- IDP for graduate students who have passed the qualifying exam: Post-Qual IDP
- IDP for postdoctoral researchers: Postdoc IDP