David B. Graves


(510) 643-7130
101D Gilman Hall
Professor Emeritus
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Professor Emeritus, The Lam Research Distinguished Professor in Semiconductor Processing

  • University of Minnesota
  • Electrochemical Society Young Author Award (with K.F. Jensen), 1983
  • the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1989
  • the Tegal Thinker Award, 1998
  • Chair of the Plasma Science and Technology Division of the American Vacuum Society (AVS) in 1995
  • 2000 Plasma Processing Science Gordon Research Conference
  • Elected a Fellow of the AVS, 2001
  • the Plasma Prize, awarded by the Plasma Science & Tech Division of the AVS, 2001
  • Fellow, Institute of Physics, 2004
  • Chaire d'excellence, Nanoscience Foundation, Grenoble, France, 2011-13
  • Lam Research Corporation Distinguished Chair, UC Berkeley, 2011-2016

Lab: D75 Tan Hall
Lab phone: (510) 643-7130

Plasma processing and electronic materials

Research in the Graves group focuses on the fundamentals and applications of weakly to partially ionized gases, or plasmas, to technological problems, primarily in the microelectronics industry. These plasmas operate at relatively low gas temperatures - around room temperature - and are therefore quite different from the hot, usually strongly magnetized plasmas in stars or that are used in thermonuclear fusion and weapons applications. The key problems in this field are related to the coupling of the chemically reactive neutral gas and electrons and ions that make up the plasma. This is especially true at surfaces exposed to the plasma. Indeed the primary applications of interest to the Graves group are related to interactions between the plasma and its bounding surfaces.