Room Reservations

How to Reserve a Room


  1. View availability schedule of the room you are interested in (see calendars below).
  2. Email Allegra Miles ( to request a reservation. 
  3. Please include the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Date & time (begin and end)
    3. Purpose of the meeting
    4. Affiliation with the college
    5. Expected number of attendees
  4. Allegra will send you an email or a bCal invite to confirm your request, or she may call or email you to obtain additional information.
    Please allow at least 24 hours response time for your requests.

Food is only allowed in certain rooms: 775 A Tan, 775 B Tan, 403 Latimer, 425 Latimer, and 433 Latimer with the understanding that all users are responsible for cleaning up after the event. This includes ensuring all food is disposed of in the receptacles, the tables are wiped clean and the floor is cleaned. (775 Tan has vacuum cleaners in the closet of 775B and in the kitchen of 775A.)

Available Rooms

The College administers eight rooms for use by College of Chemistry users (administrators, faculty, staff, and students). Click on the room links below to view room calendars. 

Latimer Hall

  • 403 Latimer – 1 long table and 16 chairs
  • 425 Latimer – classroom with 39 classroom chairs (with desks attached)
  • 433 Latimer – classroom with 36 classroom chairs (with desks attached)

Tan Hall

775 Tan Hall can be used as two rooms (A & B) or as one room. Each side holds about 30-40 people. If used as one room, room capacity is approximately 80 people. You must email after making your reservation to coordinate opening of the partition.


The Hildebrand library rooms D, E and F are within the Chemistry, Astronomy and Physics library and have approximately 33 chairs with 8 movable tables in each room. There is a flat screen monitor in each room. Please note these rooms are managed by the office of College of Chemistry and therefore priority is given to College of Chemistry courses and exams. When available, administrators, faculty, staff and students of College of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy or Department of Physics may reserve the space for academic or university related purposes.

View the current library room hours.

No food is allowed in these rooms.

Hildebrand Library Seminar Room D

Hildebrand Library Seminar Room E

Hildebrand Library Seminar Room F