C. Bradley Moore


(510) 206-1409
325 Lewis Hall
Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus, born 1939; A. B. Harvard (1960); NSF Fellow (1960-63); Ph.D. Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (1963); Assistant Prof. UCB (1963-68), Assoc. (1968-72), Professor (1972-2000); Sloan Fellow (1968); Guggenheim Fellow (1969); Professeur Associé des Sciences, Paris (1970 and 1975); Vice chairman, Department of Chemistry (1971-75); Miller Professor, Berkeley (1972 and 1987); Coblentz Award (1973); Faculty Senior Scientist, Materials and Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1974-2000); California Section Award, ACS (1977); Visiting Professor, Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan (1979); Visiting Fellow of the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado (1981-82); Chairman, Department of Chemistry (1982-86); E.O. Lawrence Award (1986); Elected National Academy of Sciences (1986); Lippincott Award (1987); First Inter-American Photochemical Society Award in Photochemistry (1988); Dean, College of Chemistry (1988-94); University of California at Berkeley Staff Assembly Excellence in Management Award (1991); Earle K. Plyler Prize, American Physical Society (1994); Senior U.S. Scientist Award, Humboldt Foundation (1994-95); editor, Chemical and Biochemical Applications of Lasers, Vols. 1-5 (Academic Press); fellow, AAAS, ACS and APS; Chair, Committee for Undergraduate Science Education of the National Research Council (1993-7); Elected American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1996); Director, Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1998-2000). At The Ohio State University (2000-03): Vice President for Research; Professor of Chemistry; Distinguished Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. At Northwestern University (2003-7): Vice President for Research; Professor of Chemistry; Member, Board of Governors, Argonne National Laboratory (2005-7); Member, Board of Directors, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (2006-7); Member, Science Policy Council (jointly of the two national labs., the Univ. of Chicago, Northwestern Univ. and the University of Illinois, 2005-7). Chicago Council on Science & Technology (C2ST), Founding Board Member, (2006-9). UC Berkeley, Energy Biosciences Institute, Manager for Planning and Strategy (2008-9).

Festschrift & Additional Information

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
November 16, 2000
Volume 104, Issue 45
Pages 10059-10593

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
A Spectroscopist's View of Energy States, Energy Transfers, and Chemical Reactions
C. Bradley Moore
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry Vol. 58 (2007): 1-33


Physical Chemistry — Chemical reaction dynamics, molecular spectroscopy, energy, atmospheric and combustion chemistry, and lasers

Moore was among the first chemists to use lasers in the 1960s and opened major new areas of molecular energy transfer, chemical reaction kinetics and photochemistry. In recent years he provided quantitative benchmarks for theories of chemical bond breaking. His work provides a strong foundation for models of atmospheric and combustion chemistry. It is reviewed in the prefatory chapter of the 2007 volume of Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 58, 1-33.