Cancer Research

White House summit advances the ‘cancer moonshot’

June 29, 2016

Jennifer DoudnaThe cancer moonshot aims to end cancer as it is known today. One of the key discoveries in that effort is CRISPR/Cas9 pioneered by Jennifer Doudna.

Read the article.

Doudna joins Biden in Davos rollout of ‘cancer moonshot’

January 19, 2016

Doudna at World Economic ForumJennifer Doudna joined Joseph Biden this morning at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, as the vice president promoted a major new U.S. initiative to speed the discovery of cures for cancer, what President Obama has dubbed a "cancer moonshot."...

Maimone awarded American Cancer Society grant

October 26, 2015

Thomas Maimone Chemistry professor Thomas Maimone has been awarded a prestigious Research Scholar Grant from The American Cancer Society.