Julia Im

COCSP - Chemistry Scholars Peer Tutor 140, 150A | Peer Adviser

Major: ​Chemical Engineering

Year: Junior

Hi, I'm Julia! I am a junior majoring in chemical engineering, originally from Orange County, CA. Outside of classes, I conduct research in the Reimer & Balsara lab, where I focus on understanding battery systems using NMR spectroscopy. I also work at the CoC NMR facility as a lab assistant. Outside of research, I am involved in the music scene in UC Berkeley via UCBSO, where I perform concerts for the community. Feel free to stop by my hours if you have any questions or just want to chat!

You can contact Julia specifically about:

  • Course selection and time management
  •  Joining research groups and navigating the research scene
  • Summer internships

Reimer Group

Balsara Lab