Awards and Honors

College of Chemistry awards and honors featured in the news.

Omar Yaghi wins 2018 Eni Energy Transition Award

July 23, 2018

Omar YaghiEni has announced the winners of the 11th edition of the Eni Award. Omar Yaghi has received this year's Energy Transition Award. Over the years, the award, established in 2007, has become an international point of reference for research in the energy and environmental sectors. The Eni Award aims to reflect the importance of scientific research and innovation, promoting a better use of energy sources and encouraging a new generation of researchers.

Teresa Head-Gordon named ACS Fellow

July 17, 2018

Boreskov Institute of CatalysisThe American Chemical Society has named Chancellor’s Professor of Chemistry, Bioengineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Teresa Head-Gordon as an ACS Fellow for 2018. Head-Gordon has been recognized for her development of advanced theoretical and computational models and methodologies applied to chemical physics and biophysics of water and solvation, macromolecules and assemblies, complex interfaces, and catalysis.

Top graduating senior champions neurodiversity

May 7, 2018

Freja Ekman in the labScientifically gifted, agile and charmingly quirky, Freja Ekman knows firsthand how it feels to win the genetic lottery. But UC Berkeley’s top graduating senior is also painfully aware of how a single gene mutation can drastically alter the trajectory of one’s life.

College of Chemistry faculty elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

May 11, 2018

Professors Dean Toste and Birgitta Whaley elected to the Academy of Arts and SciencesProfessors Dean Toste and Birgitta Whaley have been elected this year to the prestigious Academy of Arts and Sciences , which honors exceptional scholars, leaders, artists and innovators.

Mars work by UC Berkeley’s George Pimentel recognized with national historic landmark

May 24, 2017

George Pimentel teaching at UC BerkeleyA bronze plaque designating the Mars Infrared Spectrometer as an ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark was unveiled at the May 15 ceremony, and a version of the Mars IRS is on view inside Pimentel Hall. It is accompanied by a display of historical materials and photographs tracing the efforts of the Pimentel team to create and launch the spectrometer.

Jillian L Dempsey awarded 2018 Dalton Transactions UC Berkeley Lectureship

April 13, 2018

(left to right) John Arnold, Jillian Dempsey, Andrew ShoreThe 2018 awardee of the Dalton Transactions University of California, Berkeley Lectureship is Professor Jillian L Dempsey, at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Lecture recognizes independent early career researchers who have made a significant contribution to the field of inorganic chemistry.

Susan Marqusee receives 2018 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin award

March 19, 2018

Susan MarquseeSusan Marqusee, Director of QB3, Eveland Warren Endowed Chair Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology and Professor of Chemistry, is the recipient of the 2018 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Award.

Ignacio Tinoco Award of the Biophysical Society

March 16, 2018

Ignacio TinocoNominations are now open for the 2019 inaugural Ignacio "Nacho" Tinoco Award of the Biophysical Society.