150th Chemistry

Isadore Perlman

March 31, 2020

Isadore Perlman (left) Frank Asaro (right) Berkeley Lab

Isadore Perlman (left) with associate and Frank Asaro (right), taken January 15, 1964 at Berkeley Lab. Photographer: Donald Cooksey

By Frank Asaro, Joseph Cerny, Samuel S. Markowitz, John O. Rasmussen, and Glenn T. Seaborg


Happy 100th Birthday Gilman Hall

Gilman hall 1909 concept sketch

image: 1909 conceptual sketch of Gilman Hall by John Galen Howard, campus supervising architect, 1901-1922

Berkeley 150 logoAs we celebrate...

Frederick Cottrell

March 17, 2020

Frederick CotrellUndated portrait of Frederick Gardner Cottrell (Smithsonian)

From the about section of the Research Corporation For Advance Science>

A native of Oakland, California, Frederick Gardner Cottrell (1877-1948) early revealed the intense scientific curiosity and drive...

Edmond O'Neill

March 17, 2020

Edmond O'Neil

After forty-five years of service in the department of chemistry of the University of California, Edmond O’Neill retired with a Carnegie pension on June 30, 1925. He was born in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1858, but the San Francisco Bay region has been his home since 1864. He was graduated from the University of California in 1879 and was appointed instructor in chemistry the...

David Nathaniel Lyon

March 18, 2020

David Lyon with Dorothy Lyon and Clayton Heathcock

David lyon, his wife Dorothy Lyon, and Clayton Heathcock. Photo: College of Chemistry.

David Nathaniel Lyon died December 10, 2008. He was living with his second wife, Dorothy, in a...

Gerhard Krohn Rollefson

March 31, 2020

By T. D. Stewart, R. E. Connick, and R. E. Powell

Gerhard Rollefson

Gerhard Krohn Rollefson was associated with the University of California at Berkeley as a graduate student and as a member of...

Ermon Dwight Eastman

July 29, 2020

By J.H. Hildebrand, S.C. Pepper, and T.D. Stewart

Ermon Dwight Eastman

Ermon Dwight Eastman, Professor of Chemistry, was born in Marysville, California, November 30, 1891. He attended the Marysville schools through the lower grades and graduated from high school after a final year in the Fremont High School, Oakland. He entered the College of...

William Dulaney Gwinn

March 12, 2020

William Dulaney Gwinn

By Robert E. Connick, Rollie J. Myers, and Richard J. Saykally

William Dulaney Gwinn died from a stroke on May 5, 1997. He came to the University as a graduate student in 1939...

The lost tale of a nuclear scientist's death in a secret San Francisco hospital room

October 24, 2020

Bill Bower and William Twitchell

Image: (l to r) Bill Brower and William C. Twitchell with brazing machine making joint for 184-inch cyclotron coils at Lawrence Berkeley Lab, taken March 8, 1942. Photograph: Donald Cooksey.

William Curtis Twitchell was a genius. Born in Minnesota in 1917,...