150th Chemistry

Ermon Dwight Eastman

July 29, 2020

By J.H. Hildebrand, S.C. Pepper, and T.D. Stewart

Ermon Dwight Eastman

Ermon Dwight Eastman, Professor of Chemistry, was born in Marysville, California, November 30, 1891. He attended the Marysville schools through the lower grades and graduated from high school after a final year in the Fremont High School, Oakland. He entered the College of...

William Dulaney Gwinn

March 12, 2020

William Dulaney Gwinn

By Robert E. Connick, Rollie J. Myers, and Richard J. Saykally

William Dulaney Gwinn died from a stroke on May 5, 1997. He came to the University as a graduate student in 1939...

The lost tale of a nuclear scientist's death in a secret San Francisco hospital room

October 24, 2020

Bill Bower and William Twitchell

Image: (l to r) Bill Brower and William C. Twitchell with brazing machine making joint for 184-inch cyclotron coils at Lawrence Berkeley Lab, taken March 8, 1942. Photograph: Donald Cooksey.

William Curtis Twitchell was a genius. Born in Minnesota in 1917,...

Merle Randall

April 1, 2020

1917, chemistry faculty in front of Gilman Hall

Merle Randall is 4th from right in the front row. 1917 in front of Gilman Hall.

By G. K. Rollefson, G. E. K. Branch, and G. E. Gibson


William Conger Morgan

March 30, 2020

Conger text book cover

William Conger Morgan was born in Albany, New York, June 21, 1874. After receiving the degree of A.B. from Yale University, he was awarded the Silliman fellowship, which he held for the three years leading to the Ph.D...

Edwin Franklin Orlemann

March 30, 2020

Alpha Racetrack at OakRidge - WWII

Orlemann was part of the chemistry research team to work on the Y-12 project at Oak Ridge during World War II.

By Donald S. Noyce, George Jura, and Charles W. Tobias


Burris Bell Cunningham

March 31, 2020

Burris Bell Cunningham

Burris Cunningham adjusts a Para Magnetic Resonance Apparatus located in Building 70A, at Berkeley Lab. Photo date 03/30/1964, LBL archive.

By David H. Templeton, Isadore Perlman, and Glenn T. Seaborg


Walter Charles Blasdale

March 25, 2020

1917, chemistry faculty in front of Gilman Hall

Chemistry faculty and staff stand in front of Gilman Hall, 1917. Walter Blasdale is in the front row, second from right.

By W. F. Giauque, J. H. Hildebrand, V. F. Lenzen


Charles Walter Porter

March 30, 2020

1917, chemistry faculty in front of Gilman Hall

Chemistry faculty in front of newly built Gilman Hall 1917. C. Walter Porter is sixth from right in front row.

By James Cason, William F. Giauque, and Joel H. Hildebrand
